Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Introducing This Other Blog

The idea behind this blog is nothing too special. I just feel that sometimes, one may have an idea or hear something that makes sense or something that makes so little sense that you have to find a way or a place to vent, because let us face it, the public bathroom or the office lounge is not a place where we can just stand up and scream our heads off. People might get the wrong idea. For instance, how many times do we feel like someone should just walk over to Glenn Beck and slap him in public for being an ugly idiot? I know...Several times a day, right? But we cannot do that because we are living in a civilized, democratic society and such behavior cannot be tolerated while we are in our homeland. Well you get my point. And then, this blog happens...Just stop here and write it down on here and someone somewhere will say: " Yeah... I was thinking the same thing the other day...

Maybe some day, I will introduce myself if it ever becomes necessary...


  1. Well this blog is just being tested...So a lot of the comments are going to be mine to start with...Feel free to jump in, post and comment if you feel like it and be sure to let me know if you virtual-slapped someone today...



  4. Wow...Welcome Blogger Number One. It is cool that someone after all this time was finally able to find a way to this blog. I know I had to pull a couple of strings to actually reel someone in but it only goes to show what we have known all along. It is who you know...LOL.

    Anyway, I am right here in Pennsylvania USA, and I am a graduate of the University of New York with a degree in Computer and Information Science. I do a bit of everything in life because I am half smart. I love programming computers but playing music and being with my beautiful wife and my charming daughter is my prime passion. Je parle francais couramment and I learned a couple of Spanish Sentence from My brother Jonas who happened to have been visiting this summer...We had such a great time together me trying to teach him how to play a couple of things on the guitar that he previously taught me a couple of decades ago...funny right?...Let us just say he went on to become a neurosurgeon and me I wanted to play the guitar better than he could. LOL

    For you, user number one, I hope this is enough of an intro because it is now 10:44pm sunday and I have a very early day tomorrow where I have to teach Office Applications to a class of 15. Visit again soon and by the way, Congratulations on being such an avid traveller. I feel that I am living my life through your eyes...Nice views of the different places...LOL

  5. By the Way user Number One, thank you for following this blog. I hope you get "not disappointed" every time you log on. That is the full extent of the purpose of this blog...

  6. Hello. Here is U.N.O. (user number one). Thanks for your information. Congratulations for everything. For the good things, i mean. Estamos deseando que sigas. Go ahead!!!

  7. Well U.N.O. I am not the type of guy that would put up the bad things. I try to keep and hold a postitive outlook on life in general. Je ne parle pas trop bien l'espagnol, mais mon francais ne se porte pas trop mal. Je voudrais bien continuer mayennant quelque chose de bien precis. This is turning into a private chat session between me and U.N.O. and it is kind of funny.


Have you practiced your lick today?

This is a cool jazz lick to practice... We also have to do something useful here...In this segment, I will make it a point to find some cool instrument licks that will be mostly for the guitar(because I am a guitar player) but you can practice on any instrument that you play...Jazz is Friggin' Jazz...Right?
