Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Introducing This Other Blog

The idea behind this blog is nothing too special. I just feel that sometimes, one may have an idea or hear something that makes sense or something that makes so little sense that you have to find a way or a place to vent, because let us face it, the public bathroom or the office lounge is not a place where we can just stand up and scream our heads off. People might get the wrong idea. For instance, how many times do we feel like someone should just walk over to Glenn Beck and slap him in public for being an ugly idiot? I know...Several times a day, right? But we cannot do that because we are living in a civilized, democratic society and such behavior cannot be tolerated while we are in our homeland. Well you get my point. And then, this blog happens...Just stop here and write it down on here and someone somewhere will say: " Yeah... I was thinking the same thing the other day...

Maybe some day, I will introduce myself if it ever becomes necessary...

Have you practiced your lick today?

This is a cool jazz lick to practice... We also have to do something useful here...In this segment, I will make it a point to find some cool instrument licks that will be mostly for the guitar(because I am a guitar player) but you can practice on any instrument that you play...Jazz is Friggin' Jazz...Right?
